Breast Care Luncheon 2023
October 26, 2023
One of the significant ways we recognise Breast Cancer Awareness Month is by hosting a by-invitation luncheon for breast cancer patients currently under our care.
The Breast Care Luncheon is carefully curated by our Breast Care Nurses to ensure it is a rich offering of information, support and fun. It is created by our nurses, for their patients, and is an important part of the breast cancer patient experience at St Andrew’s Hospital.
The Breast Care Luncheon this year took place on October 12 at Adelaide Oval.
Our special guest speaker Dr Gill Hicks AM MBE shared so many wonderful stories with our guests. Gill has been through some of life’s greatest challenges, but through it she has shaped a view of life and healing that is full of wisdom and honesty. She was outstanding.
This special event has for over 25 years created the opportunity to bring patients under our care together, with their loved ones, so they can reflect, learn, laugh and share while being inspired by each other’s journeys. "I not only had a happy time, but also came away with fantastic inspirations and gratitude to all the professionals at St Andrews for their care and work.”
Jacquie Wiley, Director, Nursing and Cinical Services, said “from January 1 this year until the 3rd of October, there have been over 850 patients who have undergone breast surgery at St Andrews, this has been a mixture of breast and breast cancer surgery, reconstruction as well as prophylactic surgery. This outstanding breast care team have looked after inpatients, undertaking 1,920 visits in and have made phone calls to patients in the order of 660 times, checking on patients progress and answering questions. Total interventions in the previous 9 months has been in the order of 2,601. What an amazing contribution!”
We were very grateful to have the fantastic partnership of Jones Radiology as our major sponsor, and the support of St Andrew’s Hospital Foundation.
About Breast Cancer Care at St Andrew’s
Breast cancer is a defining moment in anyone’s life; from that first call or text message following their annual mammogram to the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. The Breast Care Nurse Team at St Andrew’s Hospital ensure that the highest standards of care are the hallmark of our Breast Clinic through their exceptional skill, and their patient-centred approach. Our cancer service is the most comprehensive private cancer facility in SA, offering patients of the hospital as well as patients of our affiliated surgeons the medical expertise, innovation and care expected from a centre of excellence. This significant resource, our excellent partnerships, and our exceptional Breast Care Nurses make the St Andrew’s Breast Clinic staff stand out from our peers.