There is growing evidence about the importance of partnerships between health service organisations and health professionals, and patients, families, carers and consumers. Studies have demonstrated significant benefits from such partnerships in clinical quality and outcomes, the experience of care, and the business and operations of delivering care.
Consumers are people who use, or are potential users, of health services including their family and carers. Consumers may participate as individuals, groups, organisations of consumers, consumer representatives or communities. Consumer participation is the process of involving health consumers in decision-making about their own health care, health service planning, policy development and quality improvement in the delivery of health services.
To facilitate consumer engagement and address the requirements for the Australian Commission for Safety & Quality in Healthcare, National Safety & Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers, a Consumer Reference Group was established to provide a framework for active partnership with our consumers to participate in the improvement of the patient experience and patient health outcomes at St Andrew’s Hospital.
The St Andrew’s Consumer Reference Group established in January 2014, provides consumers with the opportunity to contribute and inform about the provision of services and care at St Andrew’s Hospital and Medical Centre.
If you are interested in becoming involved in a consumer forum at St Andrew's Hospital please contact Tina Donaldson, Quality & Risk Manager on:
Telephone 8408 2030