The Cardiac Unit has 28 private rooms and is comprised of 10 acute Coronary Care beds and 18 cardiac ward beds with the ability to centrally monitor all patients.
Cardiologists from GenesisCare and other practices across the state admit patients to the St Andrew's Unit.
The Cardiac Unit is an integral part of the ‘Cardiac Centre of Excellence’ that provides care to patients undergoing investigational and interventional cardiology procedures such as
- Coronary Angiography
- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
- Device Implantation (PPM and AICD)
- Arrhythmia Ablation
- Electrophysiological Studies and investigations.
As part of our commitment to medical and surgical excellence, St Andrew’s is involved in world-class international cardiac research in the areas of interventional cardiology, confirming our position as the “Cardiac Centre of Excellence”