Foundation News & Events
Pink and Blue Swim/Walk
February 09, 2019
Join us on 9th February 2019 to raise funds for breast care at St Andrew's Hospital!
Pink and Blue Swim - $37,500 for breast care services
February 09, 2019
The Pink and Blue Swim was a great success with 850 people turning out to help raise $37,500 for breast care services at St Andrew's Hospital.
Thanks to the West Beach Surf Life Saving Club and West End Community Fund for their hard work and enthusiasm!
Launch of Hay Society and Waverley Network
November 29, 2018
The foundation recently welcomed its supporters to the launch of the Hay Society and Waverley Network.
Foundation Annual Appeal
June 07, 2018
Help us develop today's nurses and staff to care for tomorrow's patients.
Christmas in July
July 25, 2017
We recently hosted the Friend's of St Andrew's group at our annual High Tea. This year, the theme was 'Winter Wonderland'.
Volunteers Honoured at Government House
May 17, 2017
Recently, our wonderful volunteer group were honoured at a reception at Government House.
Friend's of St Andrew's Hospital High Tea
July 21, 2016
To celebrate the 80th Birthday of St Andrew's Hospital, the Foundation held a High Tea to mark the occasion.